Hey I'm making a news post. I don't know what this does. Does this show up to my followers on newgrounds or something? I don't know, I'm just going to keep typing random things now just so it doesn't seem like this was a complete waste of time. Even though it totally is, I bet I am wasting your precious time right now. Just imagine the things you could be doing right now besides reading this. What happens when you are on your death bed and you are going over all the things you've done in your life. The 15 seconds or so it took to read this message you will never get back. You will regret ever reading all of this and you will die unhappy. I'm sorry I did that to you... I'm so sorry
Give those seconds back JD! Cmooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon
You just took off bonus seconds just by replying to this. What the heck dude